I have sat down 3 times and tried to think of some funny stories, quotes from Calista or a snapshot of a day in the “life of an Asker” and have come up with a great, run-on sentence. Instead of trying to be fun, I guess I’ll just give you a few lines, pictures and videos.
Saturday we celebrated Baby Eeeeeeee-lam’s first birthday. (Eeeeelam is as close we get to giving him a nickname.) We are super anal and don’t allow our kids much sugar. I did bake a cake with Calista, but he didn’t get to touch it. The rest of us got “Paul Bunyan-sized” pieces and ice cream. (see video)
He is learning how to stand this past week. He showed off in the midst of gift-opening and loved the attention. We love him more each day. His favorite game is “uh-oh” – a beloved game of most babies. He drops something and says, “uh oh,” looks at you and expects you to pick it up. He loves this game, especially while I’m shopping at the grocery store.