I succumb to one aspect of American philosophy when it comes to painting: instant gratification.
Yes, there is all that prep work (on top of picking the colors, going to the store, waiting for them to mix the paint, making sure you have brushes, rollers and painters tape, which Brian considers a rip off, all of you 3M readers!). But once you open that blessed can of fresh paint, you are seconds away from a fresh start.
Our entry way had been “orange peel” for about 3 years. It was a stupid choice. It showed every mark, dirty hand print and smudge. Love that word, btw, smudge. It sounds like what it is…
Well Brian, being the genius that he is, looked up our paint color on the Behr website and they recommend various palates. We chose the one we like and voila! New colors for our dining room, former “blue wall,” entry wall and kitchen.

My hubby didn’t have paint shorts so he unearthed some old swim shorts. And since it’s 100 degrees below zero, old slippers.
Classy honey, even while you’re painting!
We have had to stick home a lot this last week due to sickness and Brian had wanted to get a few projects done. Thwarted by a door frame grouted and welded to our floor tile, we decided to paint. It was a short 5-6 hours after we started that we finished… or so I thought.
Today, on the way out to the door to church while every single Asker (except Brian) was extremely crabby, cold and hot (y’know how that is right? You get your kid bundled in the house, he has to wait for the other 4 and by the time you walk out the door he’s “too hot” *whiney voice* but you tell him to wait… then 10 seconds later he’s “too cold momma!”)
Wait where was I?
Oh yes, on the way out the door, Brian says, “I have a great idea! Let’s paint the cabinets!”
And by “us” he meant “me.” 12 hours later, he’s in there, rolling away some more Almond Toast (which I have now named the former “Green Bench.”) paint on our former 1980’s dark brown fake wood cabinet doors.
It’s fresh. It’s green. Technically it’s “Grasshopper Wing.” Sounds like a hippie name… But it makes me want to rip out our counter tops and backsplash… and the floors and the carpets and the bannister and the ceiling fan…
What is it about paint that makes you want to change everything else so that it looks fresh, new and put together?
Fresh paint: fitting for our new year.