I have no idea how to start writing about the last 8 days of my life. Nothing traumatic has happened, really. Nothing completely life changing. But challenging nonetheless for this “SAHM”* who hates to sit around, at home, and STAY.
I probably tore a muscle in my calf (or technically my “gastrocnemius” but whenever I say that no one knows what I mean.) Doing a step class at the Y. About 30 minutes in, I stepped back off a high step and it literally felt like I blew out my calf.
2 years ago, I left the Y in tears after spraining an ankle. It was like an ugly deja vu.
This time I hobbled down the elevator again, all the way to the hot tub, thinking I had just pulled something and heat might help. Oh dolly. I couldn’t straighten my leg afterwards and a lifeguard helped me into the showers. Then brought me crutches.
Thankfully Brian was in the same class (which he finished, I’ll add with only a little bit of bitterness). He got the van, lifted me out of said van when we got home and basically took over for a few days while I hobbled around.
I told people I was like Barbie:
I couldn’t flex my foot so I had to walk on my toes, making my foot look like Barbie. Too bad I don’t have those Barbie legs to go with the feet…
Well I wrapped this leg like it was my job, iced and took ibuprofen on schedule and still couldn’t bear weight for over 24 hours so off to the doctor I went. She confirmed the tear theory and gave me the good news: in 4-6 weeks I should be ok!
Anyone who knows me knows 4-6 minutes sitting still is a challenge for me. 3 kids, a slight (ok, maybe large) addiction to exercise, running and taking Y classes, summertime fun in general and housework does NOT leave me much time to elevate and rest a leg, you know what I mean?
But let me tell you: for 8 straight days, I have had angels for kids, a servant for a husband and rock stars for friends who check in on me.
The day it happened Elam decided he would accompany me to the thrilling adventure of buying an Ace wrap at Walgreens. The kid opened the van door for me, held my purse and helped even with my crutches as I struggled to get out of the van. Who doesn’t love this kid?!

Grown from a seed he received last March at Kindergarten round up. He has cared for this thing from Red Solo Cup to this!!
My husband took over and brought the kids to his softball game, took care of said children while he mowed, cooked and cleaned up the house for a few days.
He went to get every ibuprofen, sock or water bottle I needed.
XS loved getting and putting away the ice pack.
And Calista basically just took care of everything else and held my hand when I needed her to.
It was a very busy week included a trip down to Minneapolis for a precious few hours with a college roommate/soulmate/ministry partner and her family at a playground picnic. Then helping Brian’s parents try to get ready for a 35-person family reunion which we would miss part of for a wedding. Dear family friends of ours had a wedding Saturday. I have known the groom since he was 5 and his (now!) wife are both working for InterVarsity. Elam was the ring bearer. Brian and I read Scripture.
He did a great job and we had a wonderful time! But wow, the pain of all of that walking and pretending not to be in pain took its toll and Sunday I hurt.
Now if any of you are still reading this boring description of not a very interesting injury, here is what I really want to say:
REST IS HARD! It’s hard because I really do think I can do everything. I think I can take care of it all (oh shoot, I just realized I have laundry downstairs I never finished today!)
It’s hard to admit you are a failure. It’s hard to slow down and wait for others to do things their way. It’s hard to allow Brian to parent through a situation I would handle completely differently (and probably better, right?)
The ironic thing is that before the class that broke me, I was talking with another mom. My kids were with me and let’s just say they were waiting to be their angelic selves for AFTER my injury.
She asked me, with a smirk, “So how’s the day going?”
I admitted to her, and another mom who was listening, that before 8:00am that day I had lost my temper and yelled at the boys already. I also said, “You know, it’s always nice to get the idea that you’re holding it all together out of the way early in the day. It’s humbling but it’s nice to not have to maintain that delusion for very long.”
A few other things were shared about parenting and how hard it is and how we mess up all of the time. My friend then said to me, “Sandi, you’re making me feel pretty damn normal.”
I laughed so hard and felt a relief of being honest with someone.
It’s also becoming a relief to be injured. I walk slower and enjoy some things longer. I have watched the kids serve me in new ways. I have sat more to read, watch some funny TV (Thank You Jesus for Jimmy Fallon) and been able to do some tasks (like burn CD’s for my MIL*) that normally I wouldn’t.
I am also grateful for that ankle sprain a few years if only because I learned I can swim and enjoy it. I am sure I’ll be back in that pool a lot this month.
My kids are grateful for a break from the Y and getting up and going every day. My house is actually getting some project done because I am here more.
So I am trying to make the lemonade. And for a change, I have my feet up and have time to drink some.
*SAHM: Stay at Home Mom
*MIL: Mother in Law