What a week it has been in spiritual and nutritional health.
I am week 3 into this sugar fast and let me tell you: I am purging things and avoiding sugar (additives, not natural sugars in apples, wheat flour and tomatoes) at ALL COSTS.
I baked a ton yesterday. New bread, a new recipe using cabbage and spaghetti squash. I almost didn’t miss the brownies. I also purged our cabinets a bit. Got rid of things that should NOT have sugar in them:

High Fructose Corn Syrup: in the bread crumbs and in the Karo bottle, congealed and wouldn’t move so I could at least recycle the dumb bottle!
I still have many bottles of dressing b/c I didn’t have the guts to toss all of them. Yet.
I also tried to make some old recipes without sugar. I used applesauce instead of the brown sugar in my banana bread and the kids ate it, but did NOT love it. I also tried my favorite Peanut Butter Energy Bites without as much honey, but again, I did not love it.
The other thing I didn’t love this week as I tried to re-introduce some sugar/s (honey as well as an 88% dark chocolate bar), were the headaches. I have one right now from a PB energy bites and I think it’s from the chocolate chips.
Friends, once we try a certain thing and figure out we feel better, why do we go back? It tastes good. I want it. I miss chocolate. I want something sweet.
Well, I am NOT loving the headaches. Now that I have one again today, I realize I have had few in the last 3 weeks since killing sugar.
What I did still get with this sugar fast is a sinus infection and had plenty of head pains with that… but none of those afternoon head pains that make you want to crawl into a blanket fort and watch an iPad for the rest of the day.
Hell: what’s up with that reference?
In the midst of this sugar free diet, I also have been studying hell. I had to write a Bible study guide for church and I had to teach a 5-7 minute session for Sunday School children, ages Kindergarten through 5th Grade.

Star Wars lives around here. This is XS TIE fighter he made himself. Star Wars allows us many conversations about evil!
Yeah, jealous aren’t you?! No sugar AND I get to try to describe hell to children and adults.
Well, here is my application with both sugar and hell: there is no reason to fear either. Just stay away from it! With sugar, I just read labels and make different choices.
With hell, I read the Bible, choose to put my faith in Jesus who holds the key to Life and Death, and make different choices.
There is no fear in death. But the Bible is pretty clear that without faith in Jesus, the future is bleak.
There is also no fear in no sugar.
Try it. Staying away from both of these things helps you to avoid much pain.
Now, where is the ibuprofen…?