I am a fairly Type A, anal, systematic, organized sort. Don’t judge me by my dalmatian white carpet (who installs white carpet except our previous owner who was 100% Italian, older and apparently much cleaner than 5 Askers).
I remember reading once runners are typical Type A. Who else can self motivate block after relentless block? I trained for Grandma’s Marathon almost alone last year (a few long runs with a friend were awesome). Even though I didn’t feel well with a slight fever yesterday, I got myself out of bed to dust, vacuum, wipe down the bathroom and kitchen so I wouldn’t spread more germs.
My jobs in ministry have always been sort of “rogue” and self-patrolling. I have always had supervisors, but basically I have kept track of my own hours, fund raising, appointments and to do lists.
Discipline: I actually love it. I like knowing bedtimes, work out schedules, meal plans and expectations with who needs our van when. Calendars are my friend.
But discipline in community is developing in a new way this weekend. I am part of a Moms Run This Town group on Facebook (it’s actually a national organization). I have only run “with” them a few times but keep track of others’ progress, injury questions and race plans on social media.
I perked up when a few of them challenged all of us to go sugar free for the month of November. It was just a passing idea until a few of us said heck yeah and now we have spent 2-3 days meal planning, sharing ideas, grocery store stock and snack favorites. It is a blast to do this now “with” people.
It also strikes me that it reminds me of a commercial Chevy is doing right now. A man throws eggs at people, expecting them to catch them. They are completely caught unaware and the eggs break all over the room. He then says, “It is hard to be prepared for the unexpected.” (Unexpectedly, I cannot find this commercial on the internet!)
I said to Brian that is such a leadership parable wanting to be developed. How can we live our lives so we can be steady enough to deal with the unexpected? Especially, if you are like I am, and try to plan everything!?
Well, this sugar fast, exercise, spiritual disciplines, community and practicing my writing are all things I do to try to be ready for the unexpected.
If I have a firm foundation, no matter the storm, the Bible tells me I will not tumble like a house made of sand. If I build good muscles, work out regularly and eat well, when I hit a sick patch (as I have of late) I won’t put on 25 pounds or take 6 weeks to heal. If I take care of my hubs and my family, when I am sick and basically couch potato it for 48 hours, they will all still love me after. If I pay attention to my soul and its basic needs, when the darkest hour arrives, I will be ready.

Ah, Halloween. What a horrible time for me to be in a sugar fast. Such a hypocrite I am, allowing such gluttony to carry on around me. Thankfully candy does not and will not temp me.
Some of us train for the 26.2 so that when race day comes, WE ARE READY. Some of us train our souls so that when the End comes, WE ARE READY. Some of us plan and scrimp and save so when graduation day comes for our kids, WE ARE READY.
I don’t know what your goals are, what you are working towards, but be ready folks! And don’t try to do it alone. I am learning so much now doing this sugar fast with some truly awesome ladies (most of whom I have never met yet!).
Discipline: getting ready for the unexpected.