I learned a few lessons this morning:
1. Baby wipes from Target do not get orange crayon off the inside of my dryer.
2. Norwex’s equivalent of the Magic Eraser didn’t work either.
3. Comet and some good elbow grease did the trick!
4. Cleaning my dryer is a total body workout! I put on “I got the moves like Jagger” and I was taking care of business (anyone old enough to get that joke…?) Arms, thighs, back, you name it.
5. When my head is in the dryer and music playing on my phone, I cannot hear the children.
5. God can truly redeem any situation: I got exercise, some peace and quiet and my dryer is clean as a whistle.
The other day I wore a pink tutu. It started when I had to, for the third time that day, clean the toilet. I was dressed in all black and it could have easily gone the other way. Choice: witch or Toilet Fairy. I opted for Toilet Fairy. I made Calista giggle and I kept my temper when later that day, I had to clean it again (too much granola and cantaloupe around here!).
Have you had your head in the toilet or the dryer lately? Look for the redemption my friend!