Our last days in China went so fast!
After spending a few days in Xuan Song’s capital city of Hunan (Changsha) we were grateful for a very short flight to Guangzhou. He hated the seat belt and either screamed or slept the blessedly short 55 minute flight to Guangzhou.
Right away the next morning we headed to a medical center for multiple screenings and a blood draw. They did not allow any of the parents inside the room with 6 very capable and efficient nurses. He came out very teary-eyed but enjoyed his sucker.
After a few days of waiting for paperwork completion we discovered XS loved the swimming pool! He seems to love the water, actually, even braving a fairly cold MN lake today.

Pool time with baba. Not pictured was the 10′ high, maybe 30′ wide big screen that showed World Cup 24/7.
We also discovered he like french fries, quesadillas (at an American restaurant where we were all but forced to order American food) and he quickly acquired a taste for ketchup.
We also quickly discovered XS loves a smart phone. Within minutes of arriving in our hotel room, he picked up Brian’s phone and started swiping it on. He loves to listen to music and look at pics. He also like to TAKE pictures. One night at dinner he was very fussy and he took over 200 pics in less than 5 minutes.
Our 14+ hour plane flight was a matter of anxiety for me for days after the quick flight meltdown. I even appealed to the head flight attendant to come explain in Chinese why he needed to be buckled. But this kid continues to surprise us: he waltzed right into his seat, sat down like a pro and buckled with a “yea!” for victory. No problems with getting him to go to sleep either. He just didn’t sleep!
When we touched down in Chicago, he started to snooze. Of course.
Coming home to Calista and Elam was so fantastic words couldn’t explain.
Since being home we have played a lot. The older kids are doing awesome, learning Chinese phrases and being very patient with their very jet lagged, crabby brother. They love him to pieces, literally.
One fear I had which was quickly removed was his eating habits. I have put a lot of pressure on myself to cook his style of food and keep up the Chinese culture through food.
He also has eaten eggs, a hamburger, strawberries and licked peanut butter like a true Asker.
That’s the long and short of it: things are so much better than I could ever imagine.
Huh. Reminds me of Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do more than we could ever ask or imagine…
to Him be the glory.