Since Brian is having a dance party with the kids downstairs (causing all 4 of them to run upstairs and either change into shorts or take off their shirts…) I’m going to try and capture a sweet moment we had together this afternoon.
First may I give a shout out to whatever virus is shutting me down. Ironically I posted about Advent leaving us “Light-er” trying to focus on Jesus and instead, I have left Thanksgiving weekend a few pounds lighter than I started it… not in the best, most restful way.
–was that too much information?
Secondly, when I get sick I have a tendency to … wait, let’s just say it I HATE BEING SICK. Not for the stomach pain that makes me use breathing techniques that anyone who has gone through labor is familar with, or the frequent trips to the loo, but for a far different reason: I hate not doing anything. I am bad at it.
So yesterday I cleaned like mad. Because I was mad.
Today I prepped Elam’s 5th birthday cake. What do you think?
Then I tried to play with the boys today. It’s hard to keep up with the “twins.”
We played games working on our Chinese.
Then Elam, XS and I sat down to tell stories. I drew and told the story of going to China, of how daddy asked mommy to go out and then, how we have came to have 3 babies. XS does not agree that he wasn’t in my stomach, so I tried a different tactic today. Instead of drawing a big tummy, I drew a big heart. I said he was in there. Then the boys listened to my actual heart and that seemed to make it ok with him.
We took out some pictures we have of his orphanage and his eyes lit up as if he was remembering every detail. He instantly said “CHINA!” Then his tongue started and wouldn’t quit. Stuff like: downstairs, my house. 2 teachers. My ge-ge (his foster big brother). My nai-nai (maternal grandmother – was his foster mother’s neighbor, probably). Then “ma-ma.” My bed.
We heard about how he sang and went on stage downstairs from his school. How his school was upstairs from his home. How they would go play at playgrounds with swings and “trains.” He also said his teachers would pick him up and they were “strong.” When he saw his split pants (how some potty train in Asian countries) he said “pull-ups.” Oh man and when he saw “ba-ba policeman” he smiled so big.
It was so neat to learn from him! I called Brian to stop working to come join us after 5 minutes so he wouldn’t miss it all. I wish I could have had it all on video so if he ever forgets he could watch all of it.
We love that he remembers China. The other day he broke our hearts though when he said he was sad because he “missed China.”
It’s amazing how this little 3.5 year old retains his past life, immerses himself in his present and keeps learning to keep up with his bigger siblings.
Just a good sick day, redeemed by remembering our wonderful friends in China, some of whom we have never met, but for whom we are eternally grateful.
– Edited by the illustrious Calista Asker
thank you, dear, for finding my mistakes.
smart alec! Love it.