Made for More

For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what she already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Rom 8:24-25

Jen Hatmaker posted something last night that I think every single mom I know (minus one very disciplined one) could have tweeted.  (click here for her Facebook page:

She essentially admitted to staying up too late for the purpose of eating, watching and doing whatever she wishes.  Regardless of how sleepy she might be in the morning, she stays up just to be alone.

I am keenly aware of feeling this way today.  Brian is away for 6 days.  It is spring, finally, in Duluth.  This means there are things to clean up outside as well as inside.


It also means the kids love to play outside.  And get filthy.  Every 3 hours.  In their pajamas even.  Or raincoats with matching sunglasses.

By the time I make, serve, clean up and in the midst of that, try to eat, my dinner, I am just ready to be done.  Instead there are baths, towels, pajamas and teeth to deal with.  Oh yeah, then bedtime routines.  Seriously once I step into the hallway near their rooms and the bathroom, I do NOT want to have to return to the living and kitchen rooms.  I want the clean up fairies to arrive and settle things.

Unfortunately the clean up fairies forgot about the yogurt burning in the crock pot the other night.  $3.69 went down the drain.

soccerThere is just too much sometimes, isn’t there?  Scratched knees to pretend to have compassion for.  Hungry bellies that just don’t seem to fill up.  Neighbors who stop by in the midst of sweeping the garage, attempting to play soccer and watch different kid learning to go without training wheels without breaking an elbow.  I just don’t have time to go to the ER this week!

I said to Brian this morning: I have got to figure out a way to get refreshed.  I wake up already spent.  Especially if kids have woken up during the night.  And if I find a gallon of yogurt burned into a pool of butterscotch looking soup.

I don’t want to spend the whole day living for the end of it.  I was made for more than this.

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

C.S. Lewis

How do we get a taste of the other world?  Just enough to last for the day…

Sometimes it means I go for a really long run in this glorious weather while my younger son is at a friend’s house.  Sometimes it means Sid the Science Kid for that same kid while I try to pack up their gifts for when we fly to China for 17 days.  Sometimes it means inviting friends’ kids over to play so I can blog in peace.

And sometimes it means we just live our lives as spent individuals.  Empty.  Needy.  Yearning.

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