I found our kid on the internet!

It was late Thursday night, March 7, and I was up on the internet.  No matter that we were leaving on an ecandlearly flight the next day for our 10-day vacation.  I had eaten birthday cake, celebrating our son’s birthday, plus I had had a nap that day.  Xuan Song’s birthday is actually March 15 but we celebrated at home early.  I even tried to get a map of China on the cake… But I shouldn’t have eaten that much chocolate so late in the day.  I’m like your grandmother, not able to drink or eat certain things because they keep me up…

11:00pm  I was NOT sleepy.  We had just received X’s address for the first time.  I decided to search for the orphanage on Google, as any thinking person would in this day and age.

I first read about his orphanage being mixed up in a trafficking issue, but thankfully the city police force quickly swept in and the impact was minimal compared to other cities and orphanages.

Then I stumbled across Pearl River Outreach (actual site: http://pearlriveroutreach.blogspot.com/2013/05/our-new-program-in-zhuzhou.html)

The first picture immediately told me this was our son’s home.  The steps on the P.R.O. site pics were exactly like a photo we had of him.





It was about midnight as I scanned blog post after blog post.  Then JACKPOT: numerous pictures of our son!  I shoved Brian, “I just found our kid on the internet!”  We eagerly scanned the blogs for information and more pictures.  Here are some we found.

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Meanwhile, I emailed the blogger.  She immediately answered my emails and was able to tell me more about the program our son has been enjoying.  Sponsors had been providing him care and monthly medical check-ups.

What an amazed discovery!  It was completely humbled: perfect strangers had been caring for our little boy until we could get him.  I fell asleep, finally, with such a greater assurance that a verse which had been my signature on email for months, was absolutely true:

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.   Ecc. 3:11

And now, months later, we are able to see a date on our calendar for when we will have him: June 23.

Over 2 years ago, we had a Chinese child planted in our hearts.  Soon we will see the next part of the scope of God’s work from the Far East.


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1 Response to I found our kid on the internet!

  1. Shari says:

    I’m so excited that you get to meet your son soon and bring him home! I don’t know if I’d sleep at all this next month, if I were in your shoes. Blessings on you and your family as you await the next leg of the journey together.

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