I am an editor by training and by nature. I was an English major and learned from the great Helen Johnson how sometimes gently correct “nu-cu-lear” to “nu-cle-ar” or to remind us that we left the lights on.
I tend to be critical and even though my kids generally get away with my not being a helicopter parent, I am a stickler on sitting at dinner, putting away their laundry and packing lunches.
Errors have no place in the Asker Residence.
I know that seems extreme but it is how I generally survive this life as a part-time worker at church, stay at home mom, 3 kids, 1 hubs and now, as a refined sugar free eater.
So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I literally jumped when I swallowed tonight and thought, “there was sugar in that!!”
I had made some homemade bread yesterday (super easy thanks to Katy Anderson and the blog site I found : http://www.frugallivingnw.com/making-artisan-yeast-bread-from-scratch/).
I was euphoric, once I rinsed all of the super sticky dough off of my hands, for my dough looked like the pictures. It tasted awesome.
So for “dessert” tonight I cut off a piece, added some butter and a dusting of garlic salt. I had had a really hard work out today in which I sweated so much my hair flew over my face and dripped sweat into my eyeballs. In fact, I sweated so very much I just visited the loo for the first time noon class finished at 1:15. (It’s 6pm).
I swallowed and thought immediately, “I just tasted sugar!”
Wouldn’t you know it? I was right. Darn. Darn darn DARN!
Now it doesn’t show up in the amount/serving, but still. RATS.
Garlic salt: you have been busted.
Meanwhile, I continue to feel the inner calm, although it didn’t help my temper one bit Thursday morning where I was asking Elam for forgiveness before 7:00am because of my irritation with him on the way to the bus. Or 30 minutes later when Brian had forgotten to do one of the 25 things I ask him to do in a free moment and I seriously lost my marbles. It was ugly. My throat still hurts:( I guess I can’t blame sugar for this temper…
But I am going to persevere. I shall continue to eat snacks that look like dinner. Tortillas with wood fiber. Plain yogurt with frozen blueberries and pecans. Blue corn chips and salsa. POTATO CHIPS and Rice cakes with my new, sugar free peanut butter.

Found at Whole Foods but in the butter refrigerated section of any large grocery store, there are many nut butters without added sugar or sweeteners. It’s good! I promise!
Brian is trying to keep up but since he eats out and about more than I, he is a bit more relaxed than I. Give him props for effort.
We are trying to do more things together now that the kids are all in school for a few hours 3 days a week. Friday morning is date morning. We are discussing the Meaning of Marriage.
One key ingredient is NOT pointing out all of the ways your spouse is messing up (ie. don’t remind him that pizza he ate the day had sugar probably in the crust, sauce and processed sausage).
It is key to serve one another. He is blessing me by playing along with this crazy experiment. He even shreds me homemade hash browns in the morning! Thanks dear!

Most Friday mornings, this is where you can find us. For some reason I couldn’t take a selfie with a straight shot. Our house hasn’t endured an earthquake, I just took an awful pic!